Brad is a co-founder and General Partner at Primary. He has been a venture investor since the waning moments of the Internet bubble in 2000, when he joined one of the dozens of micro-firms that popped up at the time, but likely never should have. He was previously a strategy consultant with Monitor Group, leading projects out of the firm’s Cambridge, South Africa and Brazil offices.
Latch, Electric, Vestwell, K Health, Alloy
Stumbled through the bushes and accidentally fell through the back door
Can you pull off the three unnatural sales every founder has to make: 1/ Sell stock to investors who will probably lose their money, 2/ sell product to prospects who will get fired if they buy you and it doesn't work, and 3/ sell sub-market compensated employment to talent whose mothers think they should definitely stay where they're currently working
It varies, but most importantly it's driven by the founder. I've got founders I talk to almost every day, and founders I check in with once/month. The most important thing is bi-directional transparency. You're always going to know where I stand and I can be most helpful if I always know the good, the bad and the ugly. But I never lose sight of the fact that we are here to serve the founder.
Start with the backstory and connect the dots to why your history leads to you being the right person to build this business into something huge.
I believe in transparency, meritocracy, and performance. I believe that equality of opportunity is the most foundational pillar of our nation and our culture, and I believe that our industry needs to work MUCH harder to make that a reality. I believe in doing what you say you're going to do and treating people the way you want to be treated. It's amazing how far that can take you, but the reality is that most people don't consistently do either.
I love the diversity of this city. We are not a monoculture, and in fact, tech isn't anywhere close to the most important and influential game in town. I think that gives everyone an extra special sense of humility and hunger. I could never do this job in SF.